LAPLAND REAL - Former school Halosenranta Narkilahdentie 12, 98100 KEMIJÄRVI Finland

Asso Nakoyu - Louis Pierre REALE 52 traverses du Puits, les Maurras 83560 Saint Julien France

SIRET RNA: W133015996

General Conditions of Sale

Effective date MARCH 2024

Article-1 Presentation of the structure

• The Nakoyu Association was established with the aim of safeguarding and promoting the cultural heritage of the Finnish Lapland region. Its objective is to preserve the old school of Halosenranta and to highlight the region, its inhabitants, their history and their culture.

• The Laplandreal structure works in partnership with the Nakoyu association to offer accommodation to travelers wishing to discover the region.

• Laplandreal is an accommodation structure offering a selection of accommodation for exploring the region. It is responsible for the sales relations between the owner and travelers, and provides users of the site with all the information to describe and book an accommodation. Laplandreal is not a subsidiary or company affiliated with the Nakoyu association.

Article 2 Definition of the terms and conditions of use of the website The terms used in these General Terms and Conditions will be defined as follows:

• “Laplandreal” designates the structure operating the accommodation offered on the website;

• “Traveler” means any natural or legal person making a reservation for a stay on the website;

• “Accommodation” means any accommodation offered for rental on the website;

• “Reservation” means the act by which the Traveler confirms his intention to rent Accommodation for a given period on the website;

• “CGV” designates these general conditions of sale. The conditions of use of the website are as follows:

• The website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure or technical maintenance;

• Use of the website is subject to prior acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions;

• The Traveler is invited to check the information relating to his reservation before definitively validating it on the website;

• The Traveler undertakes to provide accurate and up-to-date information when booking;

• Laplandreal reserves the right to refuse any reservation in the event of non-compliance with these General Terms and Conditions or suspicion of fraud;

• Laplandreal reserves the right to suspend access to the website at any time and without notice in the event of non-compliance with these General Terms and Conditions or in the event of fraudulent use of the website.

• The Traveler is invited to read these terms and conditions carefully before using the services offered by Laplandreal.

Article-3 General booking terms

Article 3-1 - Duration of stay

The customer signing this contract concluded for a fixed period may under no circumstances claim any right to remain in the premises at the end of the stay.

Article 3-2 - Liability

The owner who offers services to a customer is the sole contact for this customer and is responsible to him for the execution of the obligations arising from these terms of sale. The owner cannot be held responsible for unforseen events, force majeure or the actions of any person unrelated to the organization and course of the stay.

Article 3-3 - Booking

The booking becomes confirmed when the owner receives a deposit of 25% of the total price of the stay (administrative fees included) and a copy of the contract signed by the customer, before the deadline indicated on the contract.

To pay for your stay:
- by bank transfer directly to the account provided to you,
- by credit card using our secure payment service accessible from our website

Article 4 - Payment of balance

The customer must pay the owner the balance of the agreed service remaining due, one month before the start of the stay. The customer who has not paid the balance on the agreed date is considered to have canceled his stay. From then on, the service is once again offered for sale and no refund will be made.

Article 5 - Late booking

If you book less than 30 days before the start of your stay, full payment will be required upon booking.

Article 6 - Arrival

The customer must arrive on the specified day and at the time mentioned in this contract. In the event of late or delayed arrival or last minute impediment, the customer must notify the owner whose address and telephone number appear on the contract.

Article 7 - Cancellation by the customer

Any cancellation must be notified by registered letter to the owner with a copy by email to Laplandreal. The amount retained by the owner, with the exception of administration fees, will be as follows:
• cancellation more than 30 days before the start of the stay: 10% of the amount of the stay will be retained.
• cancellation between the 30th and 21st day inclusive before the start of the stay: 25% of the price of the stay will be retained.
• cancellation between the 20th and 8th day inclusive before the start of the stay: 50% of the stay will be retained. price of the stay.
• cancellation from the 7th day or in the event of no-show by the customer, no refund will be made.

Article 8 - Modification of a substantial element

When before the scheduled start date of the stay the owner finds himself forced to make a modification to one of the essential elements of the contract, the buyer may, and after having been informed by the seller by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt:
- either terminate the contract and obtain immediate refund of the amounts paid without penalty.
- or accept the modification: an amendment to the contract specifying the modifications is then signed by the parties.

Any reduction in price will be deducted from any sums still owed by the purchaser, and if the payment already made by the latter exceeds the price of the modified service, the overpayment will be returned to the hirer before the start of his stay.

Article 9 - Cancellation by the seller

When, before the start of the stay, the owner cancels this stay, he must inform the buyer by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

The buyer will be refunded immediately and without penalty for the amounts paid.

Article 10 - Interruption of stay

In the event of interruption of the stay by the customer, no refund will be made

Article 11 - Capacity

This contract is established for a maximum capacity of people. If the number of guests exceeds the accommodation capacity, the owner may refuse additional guests. Any modification or termination of the contract will be considered as the customer initiative.

Article 12 - Assignment of the contract by the customer

The buyer can transfer his contract to an assignee who meets the same conditions as him for the stay. In this case, the buyer is required to inform the owner of his decision by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt no later than 7 days before the start of the stay.

The transfer of contract must be carried out at cost price. The assignor and the assignee are jointly and severally liable to the seller for payment of the balance of the price as well as any additional costs incurred by this assignment.

Article-13 Description of accommodation

Article-13.1 Description of the accommodation offered

Laplandreal offer two types of accommodation for your stay:
• The old Halosenranta school: This historic 300m² building includes three double bedrooms, two of which have bathroom, toilet, a gymnasium fitted out for six beds, a living room, a kitchen, an electric sauna with a bathroom with shower and toilet. It can accommodate up to 10 people.
• The old gymnasium: This 98m² loft is ideal for students outside school holiday periods. It includes six beds, a kitchen, two separate toilets, a bathroom with two showers and access to the wooden sauna and outdoor kota.
• These accommodations are located in the middle of a 2 hectare estate in the middle of the forest, where you can enjoy the wood sauna, the kota, the pétanque court and walks in the forest and surrounding hills. In summer and autumn, picking mushrooms and berries is traditional. Access to the area is easy by car, even in the middle of winter.

Article-13.2 Equipment and services included

We attach great importance to the quality of your stay and we provide you with the following facilities and services to make your experience with us as pleasant as possible:

• Vues panoramiques et vue sur le jardin
• Salle de bain avec sèche-cheveux, shampooing, gel douche et eau chaude
• Chambre avec linge de lit, serviettes, oreillers et couvertures supplémentaires, cintres, fer à repasser et placard pour ranger vos vêtements
• Équipements pour les familles, tels que lit pour bébé, chaise haute et baignoire pour bébés
• Chauffage et climatisation avec cheminée et détecteurs de fumée et de monoxyde de carbone pour votre sécurité
• Accès internet avec Wifi
• Cuisine entièrement équipée avec réfrigérateur, congélateur, lave-vaisselle, cuisinière, four à micro-ondes, bouilloire électrique, cafetière, grille-pain, casseroles, poêles, , vaisselle et couverts, bols, assiettes, tasses, etc.
• Espace où les voyageurs peuvent cuisiner
• Espace de rangement pour les vêtements : placard
• Espace de travail pour les ordinateurs portables et les tables
• sauna privé(e)
• Arrivée autonome avec une personne sur place 24h/24 pour permettre l'accès aux voyageurs
• Parking gratuit sur place
• Mobilier d'extérieur pour profiter de l'espace extérieur
• hutte lapone avec fire place
• Notez que le service de ménage est en supplément

Article-13.3 Optional services available

We provide you with two options to meet your food needs.

The first formula is a Scandinavian breakfast.

This option will allow you to start your day in the best possible way by tasting local specialties.

The second option is half-board including a snack for lunch and a gourmet meal for dinner.

Meals are prepared with fresh local produce and will allow you to discover the flavors of Finnish Lapland. Prices are to be paid on site.

We invite you to let us know of any specific requests or special diets before your arrival so that we can adapt our offers to your needs.

We make it a point of honor to help you discover the region's culinary specialties in a friendly and warm setting.

For activities

We reserve, free of charge for you, with our partners the activities in which you wish to participate, payment will be made on site with them on the day of the service.

We cannot, in any way, be held responsible for any problems that may arise.

Organizing your trip

We can help you organize your trip to make it easier for you to choose:
• the most favorable period for your stay,
• the airline for booking your flights ,
• car rental for your travels
• all other requirements that would be useful for the stay

However, all booking and their payments must be made by you.

Article-14 Liability and insurance

Article-14.1 Responsibility of the host and the traveler

The customer is responsible for all damages arising from his fault. It is required to be insured by a resort type insurance contract for these different risks.

As a service provider, Laplandreal is responsible for the proper execution of the services offered. However, in the event of force majeure, fault of the client or third parties unrelated to the provision of services, Laplandreal cannot be held liable.

Customers are invited to take out cancellation insurance to cover possible financial losses in the event of cancellation or modification of their reservation. Laplandreal cannot be held responsible for these financial losses in the event of cancellation or modification of the reservation.

In the event of a dispute between Laplandreal and a client, the parties undertake to seek an amicable solution. In the event of failure of negotiations, the dispute may be brought before the competent courts in accordance with the legislation in force.

The host Laplandreal is responsible for providing accommodation in accordance with the description given on the website

The traveler is responsible for the correct use of the accommodation and equipment made available to him. He is required to respect the rules of community life and not to harm the neighborhood and the environment. In the event of damage caused to accommodation, equipment or the neighborhood by the traveler, Laplandreal reserves the right to withhold part or all of the deposit paid by the traveler.

In the event of a dispute between the host and the traveler, the parties will endeavor to find an amicable solution. In the absence of an amicable solution, the dispute will be submitted to the competent court in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

Article-14.2 Recommended travel insurance

Laplandreal strongly recommends that its travelers take out travel insurance covering cancellation and repatriation costs, medical and hospital costs as well as civil liability.

Laplandreal declines all responsibility in the event of accident, illness, loss or theft of luggage occurring during the traveler's stay. Consequently, it is the traveler's responsibility to take out appropriate travel insurance.

Laplandreal is available to advise travelers on the different travel insurance options available. However, the choice and purchase of travel insurance remain the exclusive responsibility of the traveler.

In the event of not taking out travel insurance, the traveler assumes the risks and financial consequences linked to possible incidents occurring during their stay.

Article 15 - Security deposit

When the customer arrives at a rental, a security deposit, the amount of which is indicated on the description sheet, is requested by the owner. After the contradictory establishment of the exit inventory, this deposit is returned, less the cost of restoring the premises if any damage is noted.

In the event of early departure (before the hours mentioned on the description sheet) preventing the establishment of the inventory on the same day of the tenant's departure, the security deposit is returned by the owner within a specified period. not exceeding two weeks.

Article 16 - Payment of charges

At the end of the stay, the customer must pay the owner any charges not included in the price. Their amount is established on the basis of calculation mentioned in the description sheet and proof is provided by the owner.

Article-17 Disputes and applicable rights

Article-17.1 Resolution of possible disputes

In the event of a dispute, the parties will endeavor to reach an amicable agreement.

If it is impossible to reach an agreement, the matter will be brought before the competent courts in the matter.

The language of this contract is French and in the event of translation, the French version will prevail in the event of a dispute.

Article-17.2 Law applicable to the General Conditions

In the event of a dispute, the parties undertake to seek an amicable solution before any legal action. To this end, they may resort to mediation or any other alternative method of dispute resolution.

Travelers are informed that they can have access to an online dispute resolution platform set up by the European Commission, accessible at the following address: /main/index.cfm?

In any event, the mandatory consumer protection provisions remain applicable.

The French version of these General Terms and Conditions takes precedence over any other version that could be translated into another language.

Article-18 General provisions

Article-18.1 Modification of the General Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions may be modified at any time by Laplandreal depending on developments on the website and legislative or regulatory changes. The General Terms and Conditions applicable to any reservation are those in force at the time of the reservation.

Any modification of the General Terms and Conditions will be brought to the attention of users by notification on the website or by any other means deemed appropriate by Laplandreal.

Users who made a reservation before the modification of the General Terms and Conditions will be subject to the conditions in force at the time of their reservation, unless they expressly agree to the application of the new conditions.

If users disagree with the new T&Cs, they may terminate their use of the website and cancel their reservation, in accordance with article 3.2 of these T&Cs.</ p>

Article-18.2 Communication and notification between the parties

All communications and notifications between Laplandreal and travelers will be made in French, as a priority, or in English as a second choice.

Travelers are required to provide a valid email address and telephone number to enable effective communication between parties. Laplandreal cannot be held responsible for any communication problems due to the provision of incorrect or incomplete information by the traveler.

All communications and notifications sent by Laplandreal will be considered received by the traveler upon sending to the email address or telephone number provided.

Travelers are responsible for checking their emails and messages regularly to ensure they are not missing any important information.

In the event of a dispute, the parties agree to favor written communications to avoid any misunderstanding or misunderstanding.

Article-18.3 Partial or total nullity of the General Terms and Conditions

If any of the provisions of these T&Cs were declared null or not applicable in whole or in part, the other provisions will remain in force and the part of the T&Cs declared void or not applicable will be replaced by a provision which is closest to as to its content of the provision initially planned. However, if the provision makes the continued execution of these General Terms and Conditions impossible, the parties will agree to negotiate in good faith a new applicable provision.

In the event of partial or total nullity of the T&Cs, the parties agree to submit to Finnish law for the resolution of the dispute.

Article-18.4 Force majeure

Laplandreal will not be considered responsible or at fault in the event of delay or non-performance of its obligations under the General Conditions of Sale if this delay or non-performance is caused by an event of force majeure. A force majeure event is an unforeseeable event beyond the control of Laplandreal, such as an earthquake, flood, storm, strike, epidemic, pandemic or any other event of a similar nature.</p >

If a force majeure event occurs, Laplandreal will endeavor to limit the consequences for travelers and find a reasonable solution to allow the continuation of the stay in the best possible conditions. Laplandreal cannot, however, be held responsible for any consequences on travelers' stay in the event of a force majeure event.